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It was with a rush of excitement that I seated myself down back and centre to see the third film in the Twilight franchise, Eclipse - Choc Top unwrapped, anticipating the trip back into this world of love and fantasy. It started a little scarier than expected, which was grabbed my attention immediately. There was a lot more action, plenty of romance and even a few laughs - plus I swooned, yes I admit it. But isn't that the idea?

While there are murders in Seattle and more Vampires on their way, it's a film of formidable choices for young BELLA, hmmm… EDWARD or JACOB, vampire or human and which University is more suitable for a vampire? Plus she’s confronted with having ‘the talk’ with her dad.  There's more werewolf action, although they were a bit like huge, lovable dogs than wolves.

I like that they keep changing directors. This time, director DAVID SLADE, (30 Days of Night, Hard Candy) brought out some of the best performances and really caught the mood of the book, while creating escalating tension right to the end. I also enjoyed the vampire back-stories and look forward to spin off's.

It’s cool we can claim one TWILIGHT newcomer as our own, XAVIER SAMUEL, the Aussie boy from Victoria (the state), who plays the vampire, RILEY, lover of VICTORIA (the vampire). As my film-going partner said, "not only is he a knock out, but he can also act." If you want to see more of Xavier take a peek at previous films, NEWCASTLE, ROAD TRAIN and soon to be released THE LOVED ONES.

To the girls sitting next to me, I'd like to declare how annoying it is when you unwrap your lollies, individually, throughout the movie. A little forward planning please, as BELLA is a soft talker.




Film Review: GRAVITY